Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New beginnings!

3 months into my new journey, and it has not yet daunted my enthusiasm a bit....china continues to amaze and challenge my wits, over and again....

Have I succeeded in learning mandarin? The plain and simple answer is no....
My boss always used 3 months as a thumb rule for evaluating progress on a new initiative. He used to jokingly say that if we can't bring about a change in 3 months, we probably will never....

Have I made any progress? This is debatable. I can atleast say that now I have a clear idea of how to go about learning this language and blessed with all resources amassed over the last 3 months.

The discussion with my mentor Henrik (who's become a CEO of an MNC at Shenzhen) has renewed my determination to learn mandarin. As my aim is to jump into the business bandwagon revolving around china, it's more critical to learn the language. It was quite motivating to find him talking in mandarin so fluently (for a European, its nothing short of magic).

It's been quite a long time away from the blog, hope to write more often, maybe even on a daily basis.



Reddy said...

The 3 month funda is exactly,

if(duration > 3)
check(no change)
trash the idea.

Anonymous said...

nice blog..keep working on ur blog..sure u must be very busy with acads..

Unknown said...

lol....the three months funda is good.......but lets be realistic how much of the 3 month funda did you spend on mandarin..my gestimate is probably 10% of 3 x 30d x 24h x 60min ..thats not quite a lot....u have 90% more to go.. so next time i land in china......u give me more than my "ni ho ma!"..keep trying...:) megh

Anonymous said...

I am looking for language parner to practise my English.I can speak Mandarin and Cantonese.so maybe we can help each other?
my email:talebug@hotmail.com