Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Interview on MBA in China

I was recently interviewed briefly by a leading news daily on value of pursuing MBA in China. This post can be useful specifically to Indians and generally to everyone. Here it goes:

1) Why did you chose the school? Did you have an intention of working in China/doing business with Chinese companies?

I chose the school acknowledging the importance of China in global business and economy as CEIBS is the best business school in China and one of the best in the World. I had the intention of working in China for couple of years and immerse in Chinese business culture. After graduation, I joined a Scandinavian firm based out of Shanghai though the role encompassed multiple geographies. During this period, I interacted with many Chinese companies closely and developed vital business relationships which can help in any future venture in/with China

2) What were the key lessons you learnt during the stint? In your view if you had studied in India versus in China, what would have been the advantages/disadvantages? What's the key differentiator at CEIBS?

That business relationships hold the key to success in China and one has to be very patient and work really hard at nurturing relationships

In CEIBS, my classmates came from over 25 countries with diverse functional and industrial background. Quite a few were entrepreneurs and over 30% constituted women. So, class discussions and group meetings were dynamic and multi dimensional. For instance, I became aware as to how life and business goes on in Denmark, Japan and Ireland through my classmates. In fact, one of my classmates was instrumental in helping me appoint a business partner in Denmark for our start up venture, ScanCorner.com. Another dimension is the diversity and international nature of CEIBS faculty and they take us through the Chinese and international case studies enriching our classroom experience. I personally benefited immensely from CEIBS network as I participated in several international competitions and symposiums. 

The disadvantage from the perspective of Indians is on the employment front. In India, jobs are almost assured months before graduation as recruiters come with predefined job profiles. In CEIBS as in any top business school abroad, the students have to engage with companies to decide upon the responsibilities and career path as each person has different work experience. The school brings enough opportunities but students has to take initiative to measure up to the recruiter's expectations. In my case, I convinced the company to create a custom role based on my previous work experience and career objectives.

The academic standard of CEIBS and top Indian MBA schools are probably the same, but Indian business schools do not offer diverse student body and international faculty. Besides, for us Indians, it will be a great value add to gain rich exposure in China as I see the two nations prepare for more economic and political engagement. So, CEIBS differentiates in 3 aspects v/s Indian B schools: a) China business exposure b) More diversity and international immersion c) Cultural enrichment of living and studying in China

3)  Can you share some anecdotes from your term at CEIBS --  (also do specify which course you went for - the EMBA or the MBA?).  Was language an issue?

I opted for MBA program. Language was not a major barrier inside CEIBS and in my workplace. English is understood by many people in major cities. However, learning Chinese is highly recommended as it helps better communication and boosts employability immensely. I have shared an interesting experience of CEIBS mentoring program here. http://www.ceibs.edu/mba/mentor/28894_20.shtml


Anonymous said...

I'm deciding between Tsinghua SEM and CEIBS. If I am planning to find a job in Singapore and HK. Which school do you think will give me a better brand in these countreis.
Thank you so much for your help.

Manoj Vyas said...

Thanks for sharing such a nice information here, really helpful for me.

Courses in MBA

Anonymous said...

Hi Raghu,

WIsh to speak to you. can you please share your contact details?