A summary of events during the last few years as detailed in China daily website
MBA in China
This blog narrates my MBA experience at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai and beyond. I will try to post my opinions on MBA education and subsequent work experience in China
Thursday, December 16, 2010
After USA, UK, France, Germany; now it's China's turn to come calling
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is in India for a 3 day state visit. One aspect of the visit is the silence observed by media in India. There is not much buzz regarding the visit compared to that of Obama. However, Mr. Jiabao means business and is likely to walk away with larger business deals than Obama or Sarkozy did.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
All alone in the nest!
I realized that I had drafted the content of this post 3 years ago. One of my Chinese classmate has come to India on an consulting assignment and raised this topic again. She was greatly fascinated by our interwoven and intimate family culture. Here's a nice photo with Indianized Chinese classmates during my wedding
My post drafted in 2007:
I have often wondered at my chinese classmates, many of them grew up all alone in their family due to the single child policy. To some of them, it was a positive step to control the ever increasing population, to some it didnt matter. However, I could only sympathize with one of the girls who longed to have a sibling to share life with. She was quite curious to know about the family value system of India, how siblings engage in friendly fights, how we bath, eat, sleep and play together as children, and not to speak about the marriage ceremonies which turns out to be a child's delight.
Coming back to china, I can't agree more with the officials on the need to control population in china. However, this has a cascading effect on the overall society. A single child in the entire family means parents shower unmoderated love and affection on the child and sometimes and most of the times, tend to spread their control over the son/daughter even after they have grown up. This leads to natural tensions in the family as their cherished son/daughter want to be independant enough to take their decisions.
As they dont have a second child to dot on, this often results in an emotional state for parents.
My post drafted in 2007:
I have often wondered at my chinese classmates, many of them grew up all alone in their family due to the single child policy. To some of them, it was a positive step to control the ever increasing population, to some it didnt matter. However, I could only sympathize with one of the girls who longed to have a sibling to share life with. She was quite curious to know about the family value system of India, how siblings engage in friendly fights, how we bath, eat, sleep and play together as children, and not to speak about the marriage ceremonies which turns out to be a child's delight.
Coming back to china, I can't agree more with the officials on the need to control population in china. However, this has a cascading effect on the overall society. A single child in the entire family means parents shower unmoderated love and affection on the child and sometimes and most of the times, tend to spread their control over the son/daughter even after they have grown up. This leads to natural tensions in the family as their cherished son/daughter want to be independant enough to take their decisions.
As they dont have a second child to dot on, this often results in an emotional state for parents.
Chinese culture,
Chinese society,
Indian culture,
one child policy,
single child,
Interview on MBA in China
I was recently interviewed briefly by a leading news daily on value of pursuing MBA in China. This post can be useful specifically to Indians and generally to everyone. Here it goes:
1) Why did you chose the school? Did you have an intention of working in China/doing business with Chinese companies?
I chose the school acknowledging the importance of China in global business and economy as CEIBS is the best business school in China and one of the best in the World. I had the intention of working in China for couple of years and immerse in Chinese business culture. After graduation, I joined a Scandinavian firm based out of Shanghai though the role encompassed multiple geographies. During this period, I interacted with many Chinese companies closely and developed vital business relationships which can help in any future venture in/with China
2) What were the key lessons you learnt during the stint? In your view if you had studied in India versus in China, what would have been the advantages/disadvantages? What's the key differentiator at CEIBS?
That business relationships hold the key to success in China and one has to be very patient and work really hard at nurturing relationships
In CEIBS, my classmates came from over 25 countries with diverse functional and industrial background. Quite a few were entrepreneurs and over 30% constituted women. So, class discussions and group meetings were dynamic and multi dimensional. For instance, I became aware as to how life and business goes on in Denmark, Japan and Ireland through my classmates. In fact, one of my classmates was instrumental in helping me appoint a business partner in Denmark for our start up venture, ScanCorner.com. Another dimension is the diversity and international nature of CEIBS faculty and they take us through the Chinese and international case studies enriching our classroom experience. I personally benefited immensely from CEIBS network as I participated in several international competitions and symposiums.
The disadvantage from the perspective of Indians is on the employment front. In India, jobs are almost assured months before graduation as recruiters come with predefined job profiles. In CEIBS as in any top business school abroad, the students have to engage with companies to decide upon the responsibilities and career path as each person has different work experience. The school brings enough opportunities but students has to take initiative to measure up to the recruiter's expectations. In my case, I convinced the company to create a custom role based on my previous work experience and career objectives.
The academic standard of CEIBS and top Indian MBA schools are probably the same, but Indian business schools do not offer diverse student body and international faculty. Besides, for us Indians, it will be a great value add to gain rich exposure in China as I see the two nations prepare for more economic and political engagement. So, CEIBS differentiates in 3 aspects v/s Indian B schools: a) China business exposure b) More diversity and international immersion c) Cultural enrichment of living and studying in China
3) Can you share some anecdotes from your term at CEIBS -- (also do specify which course you went for - the EMBA or the MBA?). Was language an issue?
I opted for MBA program. Language was not a major barrier inside CEIBS and in my workplace. English is understood by many people in major cities. However, learning Chinese is highly recommended as it helps better communication and boosts employability immensely. I have shared an interesting experience of CEIBS mentoring program here. http://www.ceibs.edu/ mba/mentor/28894_20.shtml
Monday, February 19, 2007
back after long time....
I'd infact forgot about the blogging stuff till my friend reminded today! hope to update the exciting happenings....and there are plenty of those!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
New beginnings!
3 months into my new journey, and it has not yet daunted my enthusiasm a bit....china continues to amaze and challenge my wits, over and again....
Have I succeeded in learning mandarin? The plain and simple answer is no....
My boss always used 3 months as a thumb rule for evaluating progress on a new initiative. He used to jokingly say that if we can't bring about a change in 3 months, we probably will never....
Have I made any progress? This is debatable. I can atleast say that now I have a clear idea of how to go about learning this language and blessed with all resources amassed over the last 3 months.
The discussion with my mentor Henrik (who's become a CEO of an MNC at Shenzhen) has renewed my determination to learn mandarin. As my aim is to jump into the business bandwagon revolving around china, it's more critical to learn the language. It was quite motivating to find him talking in mandarin so fluently (for a European, its nothing short of magic).
It's been quite a long time away from the blog, hope to write more often, maybe even on a daily basis.
Have I succeeded in learning mandarin? The plain and simple answer is no....
My boss always used 3 months as a thumb rule for evaluating progress on a new initiative. He used to jokingly say that if we can't bring about a change in 3 months, we probably will never....
Have I made any progress? This is debatable. I can atleast say that now I have a clear idea of how to go about learning this language and blessed with all resources amassed over the last 3 months.
The discussion with my mentor Henrik (who's become a CEO of an MNC at Shenzhen) has renewed my determination to learn mandarin. As my aim is to jump into the business bandwagon revolving around china, it's more critical to learn the language. It was quite motivating to find him talking in mandarin so fluently (for a European, its nothing short of magic).
It's been quite a long time away from the blog, hope to write more often, maybe even on a daily basis.
Chinese language,
Chinese learning,
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Every good thing comes to an end!
Holidays ended finally! missed the marketing and statistics classes today as I skipped sleep yesterday and successfully submitted innovation challenge business plan. now keeping fingers crossed! now need to put efforts in infocomm and gap case study! and need to mug up lot of materials before we head for 'Confluence' in India. need to cut down the parties and chats which is taking much of the time! also need to allocate significant time resources for social venture club, inherited a great legacy, need to build on that and pass on the baton to my successor of MBA07 with great elan.
I found a wonderful book to read: Individualized Corporation by Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett. As with other activities, reading a number of books at a time has become a norm nowadays. Other books in my study are 75 Greatest Management Decisions and Blue Ocean Strategy. The first one is really interesting, it provides glimpses of great decisions which impacted great corporations such as Sears, Mckinsey, Ford, Apple, Microsoft, Toyota and many more. Also talks about interesting incidents such as Marlboro friday. Highly recommended for business school students and managers.
I found a wonderful book to read: Individualized Corporation by Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett. As with other activities, reading a number of books at a time has become a norm nowadays. Other books in my study are 75 Greatest Management Decisions and Blue Ocean Strategy. The first one is really interesting, it provides glimpses of great decisions which impacted great corporations such as Sears, Mckinsey, Ford, Apple, Microsoft, Toyota and many more. Also talks about interesting incidents such as Marlboro friday. Highly recommended for business school students and managers.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Interesting read... worth it
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions -- things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, andcar.
The sand is everything else -- the small stuff.
"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
So...Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups.Take your loved one out to dinner. Play another 18. . "Take care of the golfballs first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities.The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
holiday blues!!

i know i'm not doing any justice to this so called blog, but again life was on a roll these days. any mba school is full of activities, need to socialize and network till u drop dead! and ceibs is no different! u get invited to parties, ktv (karoake), clubs, housewarming....and on top of that i've also enrolled in couple of business plan competitions! lost count of time and date! then the last but not the least, assignments and group case discussions! anyone surviving the mba grind is sure to be made of some stuff! no wonder, corporates pay top $ to mba grads!! so between all the commotion, blogging was relegated to a corner. oops! need to call home! almost a month....need to set my priorities right, lest i'm damned!
hey, i'm the first club president of MBA2006. The Social Venture Club. tis the most active club in the school running lots of fund raising programs and charity works and also CSR stuff. all the previous club presidents enjoy iconic status now and i'll have my hands full all year round.
any leader is only as good as the people. so, first thing was to get an excellent cross functional and diversified team and all are pretty passionate about social venture club. see the photo of the executive committee.

tis me at the centre, with terry on the left (Exec VP), Evelyn on the right (Chief Mktg Officer). Standing L to R : Jim (VP Events), Kevin (VP CSR), Lily (CFO), Michael (VP IT), Alex (Media Director), Leon (VP Community programs), Masa (External Affairs Director). the last but not the least, linda, who is a member of the club and just came to cheer us.
meanwhile, also contested for the post of external affairs director of student committee and miserably lost. i'm happy it went to the right person Rafael. he's just amazing and resourceful.
thanks to chinese independence day, we're having holidays here, for 8 days. know what, even companies are closed, lucky guys!! i really fancy working in china now, so many holidays in the corporate world!!
the real work begins now, going to IIM ahmedabad in november for participating in confluence, CEIBS is the defending champion, real hard task to live upto the expectations, The Group : Rafael (Mexican), Jurn (Dutch), Julio (Spanish), Jared (Chinese) and me (Indian), a truly multinational team with diversified background. sure, will have lot of fun. others, watch out! (just kidding!!). the event has got business plan, essay and other on the spot competitions. last date for submission of essay : 5th oct, b plan : 8th oct
the next one, innovation challenge, this yr being organized by Darden b school. again, in a cross functional team. we've terry (american), larry (chinese), sheridan (australian) and katrina (chinese). the challenge is to increase revenues and bottomline of M&M choc candies by appropriate and creative "store within store" model. m&m is really a fun loving & iconic brand, a very practical and interesting challenge. we brainstormed for 3 hrs non stop and it took a toll on everyone. overall gud experience, pooled lots of creative ideas, never knew that i had so much creative juice left. last date for submission : 8th oct
the 3rd one, infocom essay. top 3 indian and international students gets honored by President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam! Wow! last date for submission : 15th oct
also need to submit the Biopure marketing case and write the Leadership story right after the break....need to catch up on accounting and statistics! these 2 classes are giving me nightmares now....
holiday is no longer a holiday!! but i'm not complaining!!
had to skip zao can(breakfast) and wufan(lunch). now hen jie(very hungry), going to kfc for a quick grub....
Zaijian (Good bye)
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